Genentech Academic Inspiration Network (GAIN) Summer Research Internship Application

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The GAIN (Genentech Foundation sponsored Academic Inspiration Network) Mentorship Program pairs CSUMB undergraduates with UCSC Postdoctoral mentors for a total of four (4) months to provide mentoring in support of their career development and graduate school ambitions. A total of four (4) months of mentoring support is provided, while a total of two (2) months of research experience and financial support is provided to participating CSUMB undergraduate interns. Please be sure to review the full program details with your Faculty Mentor/PI prior to applying.

A copy of your application will be emailed to you and your UCSC or CSUMB Faculty Mentor/PI indicated in the form. If you have any questions regarding this form or have any issues, please contact the IBSC.

The GAIN Summer Research Internship Application should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
2024 GAIN Application Form
Applicant Name
Applicant Name
CSUMB Faculty Mentor/Reference
CSUMB Faculty Mentor/Reference
UCSC PI/Mentor
UCSC PI/Mentor
0 of 800 max words
Please briefly describe your motivation for participating as a GAIN mentor. Please include how this program will benefit your career goals, and an overview of the research you propose for CSUMB students to complete during their two (2) month summer research internship.
Please list all science courses taken to date.
Please briefly describe how you feel you would benefit from participating in the program and how it will help advance your scientific career development, such as successfully applying to graduate school. Please be sure to speak to any specific requested mentoring you indicated previously and how obtaining these through the program would benefit you.

Summer Research Internship

The GAIN Summer Research Internship Program requires participating CSUMB students to travel to UCSC and perform research on-campus at UCSC under the guidance of their assigned Postdoctoral Mentor. Financial support is provided to participating CSUMB Interns as a monthly stipend and as a monthly mileage reimbursement for miles driven from CSUMB to UCSC. The Summer Research Internship requires ~40 hours per week, Monday-Friday, from approximately 9:00am - 5:00pm (PST) for a period of two (2) months in the summer. Prior to beginning work in the lab, all participating CSUMB Interns will need to complete on-boarding paperwork and training with CSUMB and UCSC which will be provided prior to the start of your internship.


All demographic information supplied in this section is kept strictly confidential and is NOT utilized in evaluating applications. Demographic information is utilized for aggregated data reporting to the NIH, CIRM, and other governing bodies of our programs; internal analysis; reporting; and outreach to ensure and enhance our programs' efforts to enhance diversity and serve as an example of inclusiveness.
By entering my name above, I am providing my electronic signature and confirming that (1) I am the Applicant named at the top of this form; (2) I have communicated with my Mentor/PI and have their approval to apply to this program; (3) I and my Mentor/PI fully understand the requirements of the GAIN program and the financial support provided

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