Throughout your predoctoral or postdoctoral training, a number of professional development opportunities will be made available to you; regardless of your desired career goals. Below you will find a regularly updated list of resources that you may find useful in your training and helpful in identifying or reaching the next stage of your career.
Do you have a useful resource to share with other trainees?

Trainee Tax Information
Postdoctoral Trainees and Graduate Student Trainees receive their support and payroll at UC Santa Cruz differently. As such, UC Santa Cruz may not issue certain tax documents or automatically withhold tax from IBSC Trainees in certain circumstances. As there may be tax implications based on the Training Program you participate in, please refer to the links below for additional information to guide you and help prepare for tax season to ensure you do not owe anything. The IBSC provides these links as references only and does not provide any formal tax advice or information. Please contact the Graduate Student Counsel or Postdoctoral Affairs for additional support.

General Resources
UCSC Cell Browser
The UCSC Cell Browser is an interactive viewer for single-cell expression. You can find a few datasets converted at UCSC, and can also set one up yourself by installing the package. Exporters to create a Cell Browser from your own data are integrated into Seurat or Scanpy and UCSC can provide one for CellRanger and for text files.
UCSC Cell BrowserUCSC Genome Browser
On June 22, 2000, UCSC and the other members of the International Human Genome Project consortium completed the first working draft of the human genome assembly, forever ensuring free public access to the genome and the information it contains. A few weeks later, on July 7, 2000, the newly assembled genome was released on the web, along with the initial prototype of a graphical viewing tool, the UCSC Genome Browser. In the ensuing years, the website has grown to include a broad collection of vertebrate and model organism assemblies and annotations, along with a large suite of tools for viewing, analyzing and downloading data.
UCSC Genome BrowserUCSC STEM Postdoc Association
The UCSC STEM Postdoc Association (USPA) is a postdoctoral-led organization that organizes a variety of events, including career training, symposia, and social gatherings in Santa Cruz and Bay Area.
UCSC USPAUCSC Graduate Studies
The UCSC Division of Graduate Studies provides a number of resources for postdocs through their Postdoctoral Scholars website.
UCSC GradDivNational Postdoc Association
UC Santa Cruz is a sustaining and an institutional member of the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA). NPA resources and benefits are available to all members of the UCSC community, including faculty, administrators, postdocs and graduate students. Register as an affiliate member using your ucsc.edu email address to access member benefits.
NPA websiteFunding Opportunities (PIVOT)
The UCSC Office of Research (OR) provides a list of government funding websites, as well as several tools to identify funding sources for your research. These tools include Pivot, InfoReady, and Cayuse. The searchable grant database Pivot can be accessed using a UCSC email address.
OR – Funding OpportunitiesPostdoc Guide to Caring for Yourself and Colleagues
The Office for Postdoctoral Scholars at UCSF has provided a PDF guide that provides useful tips for identifying issues impacting your well being as you progress through your postdoctoral training.
UCSF Postdoc Guide to Caring
Trainee and Mentor Resources
SSN Mentor Program Application
2023 – 2024 Program Year
Who is eligible?
Mentor: 3rd-year PBSE graduate students and beyond who have passed their qualifying exams (BME mentors exempt) are eligible to apply to serve as mentors.What is the commitment?
A yearly commitment is required. Experienced graduate students will mentor a 1st or 2nd year graduate student throughout Fall – Spring quarter.How much time will this require?
You should reserve time to meet with your mentee at least once a month, attend a lunchtime seminar (once per month), and exchange e-mails and/or other communication that is relevant.What if I already serve as a mentor in another program? Can I participate?
Yes, definitely. We would welcome your expertise.What training is involved?
Mentors/mentees will be required to attend a mandatory training workshop with CITL and CAPS at the start of the year. SSN Mentor Application FormAAAS myIDP Tool
The Individual Development Plan (IDP) concept is commonly used in industry to help employees define and pursue their career goals. In 2003, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) proposed an IDP framework for postdoctoral fellows in the sciences. AAAS/Science joined forces with FASEB and experts from several universities (see authors below) to expand on that framework. The result is myIDP – a unique, web-based career-planning tool tailored to meet the needs of PhD students and postdocs in the sciences. myIDP provides:
- Exercises to help you examine your skills, interests, and values
- A list of 20 scientific career paths with a prediction of which ones best fit your skills and interests
- A tool for setting strategic goals for the coming year, with optional reminders to keep you on track
- Articles and resources to guide you through the process
National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN)
The National Research Mentoring Network is a NIH funded resource to pair mentors and mentees. The NRMN also offers a variety of training courses including laboratory readiness; unconscious bias; mentoring undergraduate students; and more. Resources are available for multiple career stages and roles.
NRMNBeyond the Professoriate
The Graduate Division subscribes to Beyond the Professoriate, an online resource for career exploration and preparation for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Join with your UCSC email address and password to access BTP’s platform and its career development resources. BTP offers numerous webinars throughout the year and sends newsletters.
Beyond the ProfessoriateImagine PhD
Imagine PhD is a free online career assessment tool for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences. UC Santa Cruz is a Silver Level Sponsor of the program; feel free to create an account and explore.
Imagine PhDNational Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
UC Santa Cruz is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). All faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students have free access to its online resources. Join and sign in with your UCSC email and password.
The San Antonio Biomedical Education and Research program (SABER) provides an online library of resources in support of the professional development of trainees. Resources are primarily designed for IRACDA fellows and those pursuing academic career paths.
SABER Library
Entrepreneurship Resources
UCSC’s Center For Innovation and Entreprenurial Development (CIED) offers the NSF Innovation Corps summer program “Summer & Startup Enrepreneurship Academy (SEA).” This 8-week program involves two day-long classes, followed by online webinars, and weekly office hours with faculty mentors.
UCSC CIEDStartup Sandbox
The UCSC Startup Sandbox provides bio-science entrepreneurs business training, access to academic excellence, and an incubator where they launch their companies and productize their research. A variety of events are hosted that would be of interest to novice entrepreneurs.
UCSC Startup SandboxQB3
QB3 is the University of California’s hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the life sciences. The institute supports UC researchers and empowers Bay Area entrepreneurs to launch startup companies and partner with industry. With five incubators, two seed-stage venture capital firms, and a special initiative in medical devices — the Rosenman Institute — QB3 helps bio-entrepreneurs create high-value jobs and brings more than $750 million into the Bay Area each year.
A variety of events and entrepreneur resources are made available by QB3, with seminars open to UCSC postdocs.
QB3 at UC Santa Cruz
Leadership and Management Resources
UCSF Scientific Leadership and Management Skills Course
Scientific Leadership and Management training (UCSF) offers a 16-hour training course for people who are about to lead research groups in an academic environment.
UCSF SLMSUC Berkeley Science Leadership and Management (SLAM)
SLAM (UCB) offers a set of three (3) workshops in spring that are open to UCSC postdocs. Three different sessions can be attended according to interest.
UC Berkeley SLAM
Teaching and Mentoring Resources
UCSC Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning
UCSC’s Center for Innovation and Teaching (CITL) offers a large variety of evidence-based mentoring training, including the Equity Minded Mentoring workshop for Postdocs required for IRACDA fellows.
Job Search Resources
InterSECT Job Simulations
InterSECT Job Simulations provide an online platform that allows PhD-level scientists and humanists, regardless of professional stage, to explore future career options.
InterSECTVIDEO SERIES – Job Hunting in Industry with Bill Lindstaedt<
Job hunting in industry might seem like a mysterious or overwhelming task, but there are specific skills you can learn to make the process approachable and successful. In a series of four talks, Bill Lindstaedt, the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Career Advancement, International and Postdoctoral Services (CAIPS) at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), will show you how to effectively search, apply, interview and negotiate for industry scientist positions. In part 1, Lindstaedt covers how to set yourself up for success in the job search, including how to find out about biotech and pharma companies and how to set up informational interviews with industry professionals. In part 2, he describes how to write a winning resume, and how to effectively find out about and apply to industry scientist positions. In part 3, he teaches key interviewing skills so you will excel at the interview process. And, in conclusion, in part 4, he provides tips for how to successfully negotiate your industry scientist job offer.
Job Hunting in IndustryDEI Focused Job Board – Black Professionals In STEM (BPS)
Black Professionals In STEM Inc. (BPS) is a nonprofit that aims to foster community for Black people in technical spaces and connect them to new opportunities. Collectively we are 2,000+ members strong across the US and are helping more folks build their networks everyday.
BPS Job BoardDEI Focused Job Board – Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
oSTEM: Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM), Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association for LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community. With over 100 student chapters at colleges/universities and professional chapters in cities across the United States and abroad, oSTEM is the largest chapter-based organization focused on LGBTQ+ people in STEM.
oSTEM Job BoardBreezy HR – DEI Job Boards
Breezy HR has compiled a list of the top 28 DEI focused job boards to search for your next career stage.
Top 28 DEI Job Boards
Additional IBSC Forms
IBSC Website Request Form
Please utilize this form to submit a request for modification of the IBSC Website. Please use this form to request correction of existing content as well as new content.
IBSC Website Request FormResearch Skills Training Request Form
Utilize this form to submit a request for a particular technique, assay, or skill that you currently do not have or don’t feel confident in that you would like training and/or mentorship on.
Research Skill Training Request FormWorkshop, Seminar, and Event Feedback Form
Please use this form if you are an IBSC Trainee/Fellow and have recently attended a workshop, seminar, course, or other event to provide feedback.
Workshop/Training Feedback FormIBSC Newsletter Submission Form
Please use this form as a current IBSC Faculty, Trainee, or Fellow to let us know about your latest research developments; funding; achievements; publications; and anything else at all that you feel is exciting that the rest of the UCSC community should know about!
IBSC Newsletter Submission Form